Maria’s Voice
Past Events

Our events have successfully brought domestic violence prevention education to the community.

Our past events were nothing short of amazing! Take a look at our event history below and sign up for our quarterly newsletter for our future events.

4th Annual Community Tribute,
Domestic Violence Awareness Month

On October 5, 2023 we gathered the community to honor 103 lives taken by Domestic Violence in MN during 2023. Memory Lane honored them with compassion and joy, highlighting the uniqueness of everyone taken from their families. Speakers from the faith community, the city, a local business, a family, and the medical community spoke on how we must join the Prevention message. Uplifting live music moved our hearts and souls! Streamed live on Facebook, more than 1,000 people joined to support domestic violence prevention. Thank you to volunteers and everyone who, despite the weather, acknowledged the loss our communities endure.

Please join us on the first Thursday of October in 2024 to honor those we have lost and celebrate their lives.

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